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REBEL SOUL – Sunday 26th September

A big thanks to everyone who bought a ticket for the ‘Taj Mahal’ girl prize draw, we raised over £1100 which has enabled us to fly STINKFISH over from Columbia, via Europe to complete the restoration of the piece on the weekend of the 25th/26th September.

DNT will be painting the base of the wall on the 23rd September.

STINKFISH arrives in the UK on the 24th September and will be repainting and restoring the ‘Yellow Face’ on the corner of City Road from 10am on Saturday 25th and 26th September.

Come and say hello on Sunday 26th September from 3pm as STINK Finishes the mural on the corner of STOKES CROFT and have a drink with us. Be great to see you there!
Sunday 26th September
From 3pm
DJ’s – Rowley Ruffles, Benkins and J Miller
Outside Bar
Audio Rig by Kodiak Audio

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