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Police State for Tesco in Stokes Croft

We have tried to stay away from this whole argument on the proposed new ‘Tesco’ site in Stokes Croft. We sell art after all, we are not a political party. However, after witnessing a publicly funded police force ignore public opinion and forcibly remove people trying to make a stand against the ‘corporisation’ of every interesting nook and cranny of this withering Island. I think it’s time to do our bit.

Over 2000 people in the local area have democratically registered their wish to have a debate about this issue and look at alternatives to Tesco, There is a Tesco already less than 1/4 mile away and 14 within two miles of this site!

As usual the council say their hands are tied and pander after corporate greed like pigs around a fresh trough, ignoring the valid and forward thinking views of the people who are funding them. Can they really do nothing about Tesco moving in on this community? (Tescos rant cont… )

As we have seen over the past 10 years, it appears this country is becoming a ‘politically correct police state’ in aid of corporate greed, funded by a Labour Government obsessed with shiny things and the trappings of power. A Government that would rather build casinos, strip clubs and promote the arms trade than promote community cohesion and local initiative.

The sad thing is, the local artists and small businesses that make Stokes Croft such an amazing community, will not be here in 5 years because the corporate dogs will move in, bump up the rents and rates and fill the high street with the same ‘Global’ crap you see on every other high street in Britain.

And this is progress? More about Tesco profits on Tescopoly

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