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The Mother Beef – We Could Live Here (live session)

‘I’ve been wanting to talk about this band for ages, finally I can. ‘The Mother Beef’ spent a couple of hours last saturday recording a session at Christchurch Studios. Afterwards I walked away with suicide beats jumping around my veins and feeling like i’d witnessed something special. Nice one Brian. vinceviral

“Tom Tetley’s new project the Mother Beef steps out with 7 league boots from it’s hiding place in the Hindu Kush mountains into the traditionally spaced out environs of the South West of England to deliver a sound wrapped up in suicide riffs, Blues traditionalism, and Sunday morning lyrics, delivered by someone you can tell is still living in that Sunday morning moment.
Produced by the internationally renowned production team ‘The Insects’ , The Mother Beef comes with an assured debut whose music echoes the best of raw rock and roll (MC5, Stooges, The Verve at it’s most psychedelic, The Velvets) and with songs that sound like a menacing city whisper on a stoned preachers lips…
With a set of influences belying his years, Tetley has crafted something his own, the sound of young, love blasted England, coming down, walking home…..” Luc Price

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